Vegetable farmers use electric fences to keep animals out of crop fields.Livestock farmers use electric fences to keep animals inside the pasture and manage rotational grazing programs. Learn the steps to set up an electric fence.
Using a Solar Energizer for an Electric Fence
Learn how to power an electric fence using a small solar panel. Two-part series.
Baiting an Electric Fence
Baiting your electric fence helps keep animals out of the garden. Use peanut butter on a piece of foil.
Floating Row Cover
Row cover lets sunlight and water IN and keeps pests OUT. Some insects overwinter in the soil. Check on plants under row cover. If you see any insect damage, consider treating. There are different types of row cover. This series will focus onthe use of a lightweight row cover for insect pest protection. Heavier covers help keep plants warm.
Installing Row Cover Video
Growers will be introduced to installing reemay row cover. Growers will learn aboutthe needed tools for installation. Reemay row cover is a great tool for keeping insects away from your crop. Covering your crops also protects them from cold temperatures that might kill your plants.
Pest Management – Leaf Miner in Chard
Leafminer is a pest that damages chard, spinach, beet tops and other greens. You can manage leaf miner by removing the affected leaves.
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