Codelicious provides a full-year computer science curriculum for K-12 students. The curriculum offers grade-level-differentiated learning pathways and is regularly updated to align with all state and national computer science standards and stay current with technology. Courses are customized to districts’ unique instructional strategies for computer science integration.
Company Info
Leadership: Dr. Whitney Dove (CEO)
Headquarters: Indianapolis, IN
Initial Investment Date: 2021
Community Served: K-12
Fish fertilizer
A farmer measures fish fertilizer for use in the greenhouse.
Image of a tomato in a garden just before harvesting.
Chair background image
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Wilting tomato seedlings
Tomato plants wilting in a greenhouse. They need more water
Greenhouse thermometer
A greenhouse thermometer reads 30 degrees C, 78 degrees F.
Leggy pepper seedlings
These pepper seedlings are leggy because they have not gotten enough light.
Seedlings under LED lights
Seedlings growing under LED lights in a greenhouse.
Root growth on greenhouse seedlings
Root growth on seedlings in the greenhouse. Transplants should have good root growth, but transplant them before they are root bound. Left seedling is not ready. Middle seedling is ready. Right seedling is rootbound.
Planting seeds in pots
A farmer plants seeds in small pots in the greenhouse.
Watering the greenhouse
A farmer waters plants in the greenhouse